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6/27 - memory foam 6/26 - voices 6/25 - my friends writing "to do" list
touko and yuu from bloom into you
god phos manga panel - i will stay

memory foam

this is something i wrote a while ago, but i like it enough to put it here. this is from a collection of vignettes that ill probably post at some point.

When I was a kid, I shared a bedroom with my brother. We had two twin beds that we pushed together, and purple walls that were too sad of a color of purple. I first had my own room when I was thirteen. I cleaned out three hundred coat hangers from my dad's old office. Everything smelled a little like mildew, even when I bought a vanilla air freshener it just burnt itself in the outlet.

My dad made me a desk and found me a chair. The desk drawer didn't close all the way, and my brother would steal coins from the spot where I kept them; saved for the gumball machine. My chair was yellow with age, and its cover was falling apart in all of the places. I picked the foam out from between the fabric scraps instead of picking at my fingernails and at my face.

I wanted to see the insides of things. I wanted to take apart computers and collect the keycaps to use as something I hadn't thought of. I wanted to pick apart the yellow foam from the chair, I held the foam in my hands and it was rough yet soft like sand. I would press it to my face and feel it on my cheeks, like a kiss from someone who hasn't shaved in too long. I didn't really want to see the inside of my skin. I picked cuticles with some sort of impulse, and spent hours staring at myself in the mirror. My skin wouldn't heal faster if I would pick at scabs, yet I didn't feel any pain when I did it and I spent too long looking at the insides of everything.

My mom scratched my mosquito bites when I was younger and she used to blame herself for everything.

27 June 2024


ive found myself admiring voices a lot lately. part of this is from my perspective as a music enjoyer and singer, and just how impressive it is for singers to make vocals that fit with songs. i listen to a lot of aurora, and her vocal range is amazing. she can sing high notes with such clarity, its really beautiful. i also listen to ado, who has a lower voice, but shes has a different kind of range. more like expressiveness, she can sing softly and its good, and she can scream and its even better! reminds me of when i used to listen to miyashita yuu all the time.

i sometimes think about voices in a way related to the way i think about digital voices, like utau or synthv or vocaloid. when i hear some cool vocal feature, i cant help but think "how would i recreate that in utau?" i think about parameters and pitchbends all the time. ive had dreams in utau before, i think. i started to think about other things without thinking of vocalsynth, but (i think) because of it. like vocal fry. i didnt care for it much a while ago, but now i think the unique features of the voice are incredible. vocal fry, the falsetto, voice cracks, the sound of breathing.

i also think about voices a lot since im trans, lol. i love the voices of trans people who do voice training. i love the voices of trans people who dont. some of my favorite voices are those of trans people who dont change their voices at all. of course, there are voices that i envy. but as i go on, im becoming happier with my own.

26 June 2024

my friends

im not sure completely about writing here yet. but i want to write somewhere, so. last year i wrote a few blog entries for a school assignment and ended up putting them on neocities. i deleted them a week ago (ish), but ive been thinking about them a lot. i dunno. is it weird for my first entry to be sad? hopefully at least there will be more than a first entry

i just want to get some thoughts out about my friends and the fact that were all pretty much going our separate ways after this summer. i dont think any of us intend to stop being friends, but a bunch of us are going to college and im very aware of how people drift apart. i miss my friends from where i used to live but i dont say anything to them. the more time that passes, the weirder i feel about maybe saying hello.

two of my best friends went away for a week (theres a chance one of you is reading this right now, which is a bit scary lol), to a summer camp, and i didnt even realize that i didnt talk to my other friends nearly as much. i get worried, when we go on vacation for just a week, how quickly we stop talking to each other.

i also worry that i worry too much. which speaks to something, i guess...

i know that college will be different in a lot of ways. but i convinced myself that these friends, who i was so so close to, who i love, i would try harder to stay in contact with. and i havent been good at it. i do want to try. i asked my friend to go to get tea with me today. it said it would try to get a ride. i think i can be hopeful

note from june 27 - we went strawberry picking today. i hope ive been worrying too much

25 June 2024


just for me; things i want to write about later. thisll stay at the bottom

  • vocalsynths!
  • music making
  • languages
  • gender/sexuality stuff X3
  • something drawing related
  • some kinda thing abt a show or book i like
